Employees of PanGeo Projekt provide You solutions in various aspects of geotechnical engineering, starting with preliminary design, geotechnical investigations, interpretation of results, defining optimal solutions to the reinterpretation of as-built constructions behaviour.
Our team of employees have wide experience in investigation, designing, consultancy services and contracting in geotechnical engineering.
PanGeo Projekt has special expertise in the rock and soil slope stability analysis, designing and consulting during construction and management of solid and liquid waste landfills, geotechnical aspects in renewable energy projects, earthworks for landfills and dams, design of deep excavation and urban interpolation, monitoring and the interpretation of measurements during lifetime of geotechnical constructions.
We use the most advanced software with integrated theoretical solutions for soil behavior. This settings include finite element analysis and limit equilibrium method analysis to solve wide range of geotechnical problems like estimation of water balance, seepage, fate of pollution, slope stability analysis, strains and deformations of soil and geotechnical constructions, etc. Geotechnical problems and constructions in our focus are listed below.
- Bottom lining and final capping systems of landfills
- Organization and full implementation of geotechnical investigation
- Geotechnical reports and studies
- Shallow and deep foundations
- Protection of construction pits and excavations
- Retaining walls
- Reinforced soil (mechanically stabilized earth; MSE)
- Landslide remediation and remediation of conditionally stable slopes
- Designing with geosyntetics
- Erosion slope protection
- Soil embankments